News and Insights

Innovation Zone: Protect against sewer flooding
All articles, Insights At a time when building flood resilience is a national priority, innovative technologies can help keep sewer flooding under control Read the full article at:…

Hillsborough Castle Level Sensor Installed
All articles, News Great job by the StormHarvester team yesterday installing our level sensor into this attenuation pond. The StormHarvester system will allow this attenuation pond to remain full of water between rainfall events and by doing so will turn the…

Thanks to the Water Hub
All articles, News Thanks to the Water Hub for giving us the opportunity to discuss our smart solutions with the Design team, Developer, Contractor, EA and the Council's SuDs officer at this site in Newcastle today. The building area will be 2.5 Million SQ FT…

New Year, New Offices for StormHarvester
All articles, News Busy weekend for the StormHarvester team moving into
our new offices #newyear#newoffice #nextstep